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Wednesday 20 July 2016

Nature Struggle

The quest for superiority
Make us think as enemies
Because we wants to taste sovereignty
With the mindset that sunset on hills
Treating others with disdain and inhumanity
When we are suppose to live in unity
Different colours of skin
Makes the white think themselves kings
But I guess it is not our skin
It is our believe and thinking
That gave them the courage to invade our privacy
And to treat us like we owe them something
In our land it is a pity
That we cannot do anything,
Because from the days of old
The blacks has been enslaved by their own
In order to make us feel or believe that there is no hope
Because they have succeeded in boiling holes
 In our treasury boat
 Forgetting the fact that we are one
But colour wouldn’t make them calm
Because they feel that we are inferior to their kind
This makes our effort mild
Because the white has more right than us in our land
We are dynamic yet the white stands
While we fall with our crowns,
How long shall we cook from babies cries?
Because we watch them take away our pride.
The more we strive
The more we lose the fight
This tempts people to ask, why are my black?
From ages, we black beg for our right
Even when manhandled by the white
Taking our ancestors tied
With chains on their legs and hands
We owe them nothing but they took our resources
And gave our ancestors hard course
That left fathers to carry their children corpse,
Why should we feed from dust?
When we are the owner of all
We are used to work with our treasure
And what we get in return is torture
This has been a pain from the days of our ancestors,
Is being a black a crime or wrong,
If not, why is white always using us
Why are they against us
But not against our treasure?,
I guess they are not alone in this long walk
Some of us give out the secret in our pot
That is why the white will always be against the black.

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