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Thursday 7 July 2016

We are the cause

Days of hope clothed in historical garment
To celebrate the true value of our ancestors
Believed to be right but disapproved by elects
Which, has resulted to family disagreement
Because of different believe
That has broken the bond of family ties
That should have sustain tradition itself,
 Different belief has made friends enemies
As each settle with what their conscience agreed
Spilling the oil of family unity
On the boat that covey hope of true societal Concordia,
Once bond has become discord,
A community that once stood as one
 Now live in disarray
Because of what they call white man’s culture
 Cutting the rope of love
That holds them all together as family,
Things have indeed fallen
As everyone fight for themselves, no unity
Spear of hate pierces the heart of siblings
As they see others progressing
This makes people to ask and wonder
If this culture came to disrupt our peaceful coexistence?.
I think our problem is not the culture
But our resolve
Because if magnanimity is misunderstood, it becomes fractured
As a child will take correction for torture
We have to change mode of course,
Else our past and present struggle will be futile
Because all we need to do is to put away our pride
And look carefully the reason why we have conscience or right
Being a family is not a crime
So let’s come together to make our society thrive
Religion is not the reason why we fight
Man is not made by tradition but tradition is made by man
It is our choice that makes wrong right
We are the problem not the religion or culture.  



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