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Friday 30 September 2016


Fairy twist dark day like a weaker shadow light to see
Words that Strikes Mountain’s feet
Contemplations can’t beat you no matter how it seem
Even when others end up a victim
A trader who work night though as day, takes lies for vey
Sudden, light flips coin as clock tick
Disfranchising the weak of their right void citizenship
Merchants wait for a catch from bait
Now, old stories turn new for drunk and abnormality seat.
Blames as caps we wear
Sitting, seeing the future with surety as though we were
Clumsy approach destroys fence,
None is right as catch at sight has never been the best
Glorifying wrong for money or fear
Kills our dreams the innocents who knows nothing about bullet,
Destroying a bridge makes no sense
Putting on a cloth of your suppose enemy makes you his friend
Attempting the bridge you destroyed
Interpret gullibility of a handful pest building a mansion at glare.
Though rough the road or where we stay
Who cares about the struggle anyway, the rich or the poor?
We sleep but we think we are strong
Fighting selves, as we wish to be the one standing, weaving from the top
No one’s victory worth a citizen’s blood
Even when materials and baseless things have taken our worth
True fun has elude us,
Diversity build’s strength as real and good ideas result to true wealth
Let’s come together and work with trust
And make hay when there is light or wait for darkness as we work and fall
We need love more than we need light to work
Let’s not procrastinate as the day dark without us fulfilling our chores
Practice love so that the future will be sure
And not fairy twists dark day like a weaker shadow light to see.

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