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Sunday 2 October 2016


A cool and gentle breeze always make me want to sleep and fades
Pleasant voices make me never want to wake
Fun for once is not a bad thing as a bad and lazy bone will say
Climbing mountains and hills to make a pay
Wisdom without work is for those who alcohol is their trade
Sit, eat and sleep, wakes up wishing for fame
Desert walk, heat of sun burning skins to make the strong reign
Hard work gives the crown you sleep and seek
We should do things that will improve our dexterity in our firm.
A lazy bone only wants to eat, sing dance for fun
Nothing to stand on but only to talk dresses in and wants the top
how long shall they continue, they will sure fall?
They are wise but full of cloudy shadow gully that makes one stuck
Count my weakness; tease me to make me strong
Leave me if it is possible to build, raise me if I will not go wrong
Together we owe each other weak or strong talk.
Reckless Woman is an outward beauty of a boat with broken woods inside
Prepared for people who pass by a strange land for insight
Weak or might nothing can justify you when seen at the scene of crime
Live a fool than to live wise but later frown and cry
Work is for the strong, brave and not for those who thinks and fantasize 
Gold might be seen everywhere a reward for task
We should stand up and dare; a lion is not just a king because of its skin light
 But for bravery, ability to control as his right
Make hay as the sun is still hanged up there giving it light for everyone to smile
A day comes when day will seem night as

A cool and gentle breeze always make me want to sleep and fades.

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