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Thursday 21 July 2016


A shadow of reality working
Intensively to beat all mystery
So that it purpose will fully
Manifest without futility
To prepare the future for its burden
That is beyond fantasy
Unraveling the mystery of potency
Opening our eyes of understanding
To set the right path for our feet
So that we can identify it footprint
For directives
In a way not to be lost in our own idiocy
Because we lack many things
But claim to be the legend of what heart sees
With a heartless hostility
Thinking it to be the solution of what heart feels,
We should open doors with the right keys
So that we can dine with peace
Else our judge will be posterity.
Solving issues made for our heart with heads
Is like a slave
That embarks on a journey of veil
Without specification of where his journey ends
Like the wind, a true friend
That can never assure you of it strength weak or tense
We should try to make a difference
Because behind our action there is a witness
That sees the damage of our influence
Ravaging a strong relationship like a mistress
Who forgets time target
We should let go of our wish else we regret.
Freedom is cost, cost, truly cost
Midst of agony with an empty cup
Only faith keeps one strong
Falling into holes of what we trust
The light of hope shines on
Endurance reap the fruit of what it worth
Evil stop, don’t be jealous
Time will bring back the honey from hidden pot
Tears is not only on lose
But in joy and in love.

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