
Welcome to poemvillas, poemvillas is a home of quality poem written by an individual who is the administrator of this site.please do us a favour by inviting somebody to encourage us: we run advert of any kind, mobile or internet based.

Tuesday 2 August 2016


We sing with hope but we live in loopholes
Sad news makes our hotness turns cold
Preservation of the word trust is now a big goal
Every night and day the rich fights ghost
Working and toiling just to take control
Heart without feelings like that of stones
The kings they fight to dethrone
Persistence wickedness lies in their coast
Tears only is what now we own
Because our very own they have taken home.
Songs of freedom has elude us
Where the past sacrifice paid the people not
Let’s awaken the hero in us
Sleeping as an enemy cause great men falls,
No use of hope without home
Give me a home to believe that there is hope.
We are our enemies
If what we do is to complain without action
We are not worth it
To stand to see the wall of our heroes fall
Doing nothing but make us believe
Words is not what we need but work to succeed
Architect of mischief
Solve the mystery and give us the true victory
Justice and equity, yes equity.

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