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Wednesday 3 August 2016

Modern slavery

A mountain judgment of ancient myth
Links promises that empties cart
Several treasures taken from cave of pride
Wherein hope else we die
Gone are the days with thousands smiles
When rights was still intact
Songs no longer make one want to dance
As worries make them sad
Position has never and should not be a crime
Years as days can never be seen as thrive.
People cried and yell for change
But change came with a thunder storm
This brought pains they cannot comprehend,
Don’t judge people’s work
Because it is not the breadth but the strength
That determines a good chore
Lies give the refined truth ability and hedge
When it matters more
It is an action that makes bad become a friend
Promises can never be sure.
In dreams we have resolved to live our lives
Like boat we continue to swim in freight
Their evil intention makes all their wrongs right
The people suffer but they smile
The law is now for the rich while the poor cry.
They are not corrupt  
But their actions fights and void the land and its law
We are not born a slave or cursed
But some persons want to make us live like a refugee  
It is indeed a wicked world,
Fight for what is right or continue to step on thorns
Bear the pains and continue to groan
We are not born to live in persistence agony or torture
We are given the right of choice
It is either we fight now or die in slavery.

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