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Monday 8 August 2016


Pressure with heavy faces how to live and succeed
B lames everyone shift
Some wish that life should at least have pity
Pains indeed has exceed it limit
My witness made me practice their odd ordeal
My dreams I have leaved
Reality is not a word of wish or mare saying it is real
Think not what you are left with
Distant is not an obstacle but an element of surety
Little might be what you see
Working for a long time will teach you self lessons
Complains will leave you empty.
Times look different as I concentrate on people unhappy faces
Through mountain and hills
Heavy loads, greasy look, without joy they go their way
Confusion made me say what a fate
Now is my time to pay back all the time that I have waste
Lamenting for others uncertainty
Mistakes never go without teaching something one hate
Acceptance or not I have to pay.
We busy blaming people leaving our dreams unpacked
We wake up wishing
Of a true we owe more than what we have in our park
Let’s work out our dreams
Life itself is a mystery that we cannot unfold we better not try
Leave troubles but live fulfilled
Our attitude gives the necessary hedge to either fall or climb high
Clamoring for food without a dish
Is like working for someone with no profit but claim to be wise
I can’t be lost in myself, no self pity
I learn from my past and present, my mistake has taught me life
Dream with people and fall in it
Work your dream, live your dream and see how fun life smiles
Nobody owe you a penny from promises
But you owe yourself and live a lot for sitting and hoping without working
Live your dream and succeed
Or celebrate the people who are given the trophy of workmanship.

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