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Monday 18 July 2016


 There is an inner strength
That fights against all weakness
To succeed all fortress
Being the Amor that suppresses all fears
 It is the beauty that covers ugliness
Even in a tedious work of indecisiveness
Bringing in true strength of achievement
That conglomerate ideas or sense fullness
To ensure work complement
Waving out element of laziness
To make the journey stress less
And blameless,
Bear if work deferred take no offense
Because it might be for everyone interest
So that things will be in its best,
There is always a time to rest
So that the whole body can resuscitate
For the work to gain a positive progress
To ensure it emend.
It is glorious and care giving
It’s instigate people for goal getting
With magnanimity and simplicity,
And it is detrimental if abused senselessly
As your achievement climbs the ladder
Watch your words because they are thunder
They can take you up or bring you down
To the level of a beggar,
A lot of people rejoice in its power
While others regret because of their inability to contain the power,
It is a mantle
For those with big heart to control,
It is a jungle
For the brave to patrol,
It is free for everyone to get hold and take home.
In good you see evil
Watch well not to fall into wrong holes
A Word that is said as joke
Have strength than realities because there the truth holds
But it is always kicked out by fools
Because they appreciate the tales of moons
Thinking that it is the right shoe
 For the journey of ghosts
That is too mysterious to unravel
Except if one put on the right cloths
To justify the true act of good in the midst of evil
Because renaming a wolf
Will not change its nature or folks
Honesty is the power of work.

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