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Saturday 16 July 2016


A life of value
That is rooted in the beauty of subtle
Full of the glamorous act of the nobles
That makes a lot of people dazzle
Like one solving puzzle,
But we are gradually losing our endearment
Leading to throne and self defilement
How can we leave the part of advancement?
In guise of being prominence,
We should not forget that we are unique in our various settlements
Irrespective of terrain or geographical entitlement.
It should be our pain and not shame
To protect and uphold the past reign
As we defend our coexisting fate
Laying in a glorious and priceless cave of fame
Which we should fight to sustain
All through our days,
Our ancestors did the same
And it was never taken away
Now it is our turn to maintain the race
For those after us to know their place,
We are born with it
It is in the way we live
Dress, talk and even in our music
It is a jewel of dignity
To be cherish with jealousy,
We have the strength to go any height
Lost or in our real self, we should know that we are the cast
So let’s together build our world irrespective of tribe
 We are suppose to be stronger in our diverse act
But now we are weaker than ice
That melts and turns liquid in less than an hour,
Because everyone wish is to be on the limelight
With the mindset of paying any price
To hit gold in expense of our pride
Because all they want is to own the earth to the sky
That is why they have sold our right,
 And our way of life.

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