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Saturday 16 July 2016

Mistaken Truth

I am full of surprise, how time flies
As the climax of my findings makes me cry
 Because the findings gave me the shock of my life
Seeing an anthill becoming a mountain so high
The fears of my dreams failing in my own eyes
Keeps me pondering if my struggles will end without a tie
I will continue to search even in hard times
To know why people believe that love doesn’t exist in life 
 Because I heard some say love doesn’t exist
While others says love is captivating
Can we accord loving a person a sin?
If no why do we regret expressing it,
At the beginning of my journey
I see brothers fighting
Sisters despising
Families in discord and disunity
Bloodshed in the street
Breaking of trust because of riches
Leaving the ones they claim to love for properties,
Could this be the reason why they say love doesn’t exist?
How can there be love?
When the one you adorn push you to the dust
Makes you feel that you are not her worth
Stabbing your heart with thorns
Use you for fun
Not minding if you will lose your dignity or worth
As they ceaselessly humiliate you with thugs
Should I blame it on love?
Love is not to be blamed, but  
The fault should be attributed to us
To believe that chick will be innocent in the gathering of hawks, 
After a long walk
I took a break for a self thought
Then I realized that there is no love in us
When I remembered the people I came across
They could not offer me a cup of water not even a drop
When they see me around empty gorge
I exclaimed what a wicked world
Not just the word,
 It is the action of each and everyone that define love
I have seen, heard and talked
In all, love exist but not in us.

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