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Sunday 31 July 2016


A heart full of guilt, is full of guilt
Assumption of your action makes me confuse
How do I make the right move?
When I don’t know what to do
Contemplation makes pain my food
As friends around call me a fool
Because of my attitude
I gain confidence from morning dews
I don’t care how my past makes me look
Because all I need is someone that will make me new
I know that I have hurt you
Making you feel more or less of how you should.
You need trust
You need fun
I know this has elude you for long
I promise to make it up
If you give me chance this once,
I know that talk is cheap
Just As self expression is free
I know words alone cannot express how I feel
But know that i am not here to play tricks
Because your love has imprison my inner being
And I shiver like someone who is in a pit
Waiting for a venom from an angered scorpion sting
Will you show me mercy or leave me to die slowly in self pity?
You have every right to take any action against me
I guess it is time to pay for the my past errors that I have noticed
But you are still the only person I wish to see in my dream
Your action cannot change how I feel
All I need is mercy
Do not let my past deny you from knowing the new me
My past might compel you to see me as a worse human being
But please forgive the imperfect me
Terrain will no longer make me treat you wrongly
Because you are the one I always want to see
The one I wish to live with
I promise to treat you like a queen
We can together climb the highest mountain
Solve every hidden mystery
The thought of an angel is a fantasy
But the thought of you is a reality.
A fragile heart
A heart full of interesting fact
You don’t have to hid your pains in disguise
Show your fears, pains because that is what makes friendly tiles
Show me that you are sad
Tell me when you need help with any task
Free yourself as we give a gazing look and smile
Because hope and joy is the beauty of life
Do not let my wrong make you cry
All you need is to tell me so that I can make it right
Nobody is a saint no matter how hard we try.
Some see love as shadow
But I see it as a saddle
This is the beauty of a horse in a cradle
Do not make our love look feeble
 The beauty of love is how we make it work even in our struggles
Not thinking of incessant pains gotten from bristles
We can make our love flourish like rose
If we are able to harness and nurture it to grow
My love, do not allow our love to tangle
So many things will come to test our faith or to know if we are bold
We should stick together like a honey comb
Protect each other interest as we strive to build a home
Not minding how long we will encounter trouble
Do not abandon me because you are my hope.
You don’t have to go back to the past
I will not use you as a staircase and leave you to suffer
It will be just you and I
I promise that there will be no another.

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