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Thursday 4 August 2016


A tent like a house, whistles make our day
Everyday nothing change
As people sale their destiny and walk away
Confusion break defense
Others give hope just to make them stay
But their choice as strength,
 Ignores everybody including their friends,
Some walk on and faint
The quest for a better life takes away shame.
The world is one, yes it is one
 But it hurt to see people chastise others
When we are suppose to be one
Colors and culture separate even brothers,
In their land we can’t talk
But they use and lead us in our land with orders
Our right they have shun
Because they are with the people truly I am sad
No hope of travelling for fun
The people who own the world never let one by
Looking for offense against us
They want to be superior and make others chaff
Of a true nobody own the world
It is just the people that claim to be wiser
That wants to take things by force
Why do we allow them take our resource and right?
When will this menace stop?
To see people live together as one without despise
We all own the world
So why make it unbearable for a human like you
You discriminate all
What you want is to be the best and answer of the world
Let make the world a better place to live,
Everywhere should be a home for all, your country wall
Will not fall if you care for the lost
We are one, colors doesn’t matters, let build our world.

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