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Wednesday 6 July 2016

Is This Love

Is this act right in our eyes?
To turn back because of our personal pride
From the journey of paradise
Which we had invested our precious time
Working in the rain and sun with might
For the believe that we will end it one day with smiles
But our relationship is now jeopardize
Because of our inability to keep the ties
I believe we can still make it right
If we let go of the pain of the past tribes,
We want to be different
For people to feel the effect
Not minding if it is of good influence
No matter our prudence
If we are not sincere
Posterity will never forgive our change
That could affect other people’s strength.
We can’t be right looking out for fault
Because that has made a lot of empires fall
All we need is to hold on to love
 Forsaking our wrongs
So that we can press forward
Why do we need to beat the drum of war?
Or have we forgotten the death that has once tour?
Losing our young ones
Worth no triumph
If what we fight for is to disrupt our world
We own it as a Nation
Our diversity should bring out the best in us
And not fighting for our personal course
But coming together to build the Nation as one
Taking it as our hope
Making it our only home
Building it as a royal throne
Because no matter where we go
We will someday come back to our junk
That is if we leave it with its wrought
You have no value or worth
If you do not make your Nation work
Because wealth is for fun
To touch lives no matter how much we lost.

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