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Saturday 30 July 2016


Confusion in head like load, yes like load
A day might seem years
Settling without an answer chuck
Wrong thoughts affect
Ideas harm more than anything if not controlled
 With Mind full of fears
Some take in food that ends on throat
Night in days how scared  
It is dangerous to hurt the pure coast
Cloudy judgment like wells
Distant action with a blur mind ends good road
Walking a lane of wrong change
Body hidden in a strange bundle of self created mood
Good or bad we are ourselves.
Picking sticks with teeth is detrimental
Working without plan
Diffuse the line and strength of our sleeping mat
Don’t go the wrong path
Walk the right track so as to harness ideas
Wake up the slumbering myth
False bell kills the weak, dwarf and even giant
Oceans of pain in our heart
Thin lines can break the trust of facts,
A cloudy mind cannot give right judgment
 Minds full of elusiveness
Save yourself from long time torment
Clear your mind
Too much thought can lead to madness
Seek advice to clear your head
Help yourself quickly, free yourself from the nest
Wake up from your confusion.

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