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Monday 11 July 2016

Dancing Heart

I was dumbfounded when i saw Mountain talking
Hears ocean singing
I thought I was day dreaming
Hoping that someone will come knocking
So that I could wake up from slumbering
But the more I wait
The more the mystery becomes interesting
So that I want to remain in illusion
Walking and talking
Though it is an improper practice,
But I have found myself in it
All I have to do now is to omit some things
Because no matter how biasing 
What I think or how my situations seem.
Thinking cannot be reality
Imagining can only bring in deceit
Of no fact to our heart to destroy our destiny
Because we are what we think
We become what we believe
And live by what we confess everyday
That is why genius keep fantasizing
While people who struggle their way succeed,
The future is in the present
The present is what prepares the way for the best
That is why you must set your mindset
In the direction that will work your way out before sunset
So as to be among the prominent
Through hard work and not lobby
Not by taking others property by deceit
Or doing wrong but pretending
To be innocent when you are truly devilish
Calling yourself a friend but an enemy
Making people believe that what they see
 Is true whereas it is illusion that has no end;
The world is wicked.
People make one dance in the rain
With sweet words they say
To make the sane completely insane
Just to achieve their aim
 Deceiving them to believe rein as reigns
 Making people to chase shadows with strong faith
They live like Kings while others live like slaves
Illusion is their way
that is why they are lost, locked like one in jail
With no solution to the problem they proclaim
They will solve without delay
Menace chase them abroad and away
Now they are weak and full of shame.

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