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Tuesday 12 July 2016

Chasing shadows

Just like the speed of flight so is the heart
Of those who tell lies to be important
When the lid is blown off the can
It runs faster than the world jetfighter
In pursue to conceal their lies
So that if it escalates the solution will not be afar
But nature is too kind
That is why such ones will always be chaff
With no strength to stand
When the wind of truth elope the mountain
Of lies for all to know that there is a trap
For anyone who coat lies in sugar
To snare themselves and those who claim to be wise
In the nest of shame
That places them in the position of freight.
Someone who has darkness inside
Can never be bright outside
 for the heart is the real sight and light
Of people who work their way out in might
And not in guise  
Of leading but remain a slave to others,
How can you say one is leading?
When he or she is a slave to ill tracts
Captives of wealth who claims to be smart
But are bundle of trash
That fights to be relevant by using others in their craft.
A road of fog
Is never meant to ride on
But when the situation takes a different turn
One has no choice
But to drive the road at night to salvage lost
Without considering necessary cost
That makes weak hawkers to fall
Prey to the extremist who have no self honor
Running after money that fades like dust
Just like wave that rows but unstable
Like a chasing shadows.


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